Monday, February 23, 2009

Mr. Gorilla Boss

You look like a gorilla. You smell like a gorilla. You act like a gorilla.
You talk like a gorilla. You eat like a gorilla. You move about like a gorilla.
You scratch your head like a gorilla. You wave your big arms in the air when trying to communicate, like a gorilla. You stomp around the office like a gorilla. Because you so much resemble a gorilla, your very essence stinking of gorillaness, you have firmly established and irreversibly ingrained in me an excessively strong hatred for the gorilla and anything that remotely resembles its kind. I grace the moment you let my "chimp ass" (you f-ing bastard) go. I hope your fate matches your species, leaving you gravely in- danger-ed or behind bars.
Sincerely yours.

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